Purchasing From Amazon Japan


Hola amigos. Mr. Wada is back on duty. As I’ve shared how to register on Amazon Japan in my previous post, this time I would like to share details on purchasing from Amazon Japan.

5 Minutes to Register on Amazon Japan

Please check the previous entry and start with the English page.


Select Items to Purchase

It isn’t completely in English but perhaps you could select the category from menu.



Well, no need to explain. Add any items you like by clicking the “Add to Cart” button.




OK, I’ve picked these items (Mrs. Wada might tell you why later on). Now I’m gonna checkout. Click the “Proceed to checkout” button.



It will require you to sign in again.


Select a Shipping Address

You have options where to send, in other words where to pick the package up at. Your address or at convenience stores.

1. Send to your address

Use the address you added in the “5 Minutes to Register on Amazon Japan” post. Click the “Ship to this address” button. Or, type a new address and save from below.



2. Send to convenience store

Search convenience store locations by address, zip code, or landmark (like Tokyo Tower). Then, pick a location where you want the package to be sent.



Like I’ve mentioned before I suppose it’s one of the great services of konbini (convenience store) for people like me.


OK, either to your place or conbini, you’ve already picked one right?

The next page will ask you for shipping options. Forget it by now. Click “Continue” button to proceed to the next step.


Select a Payment Method

There are various payment methods.

1. COD (Cash on Delivery)

It’s easy but costs you extra 324 yen (update 2015/7/30). I’ve never used it.

2. Convenience Store/ATM/e-Money

Some of them will cost you extra for service fee. Plus, after placing an order, Amazon will email you with instructions on how to pay, etc. It’s hassle for me, I wouldn’t choose and won’t explain it here (sorry).

3. Credit Card

It’s easy once you’ve added your credit card information. Definitely hassle-free. For international shipping this would be the only choice.


This time I’m using my card.

Place an Order

Alright. Look through the details once last time and click “Place your order” button to finalize your order.


…and it’s done!


If you picked your place to send the package, that’s it. All you need to do is just wait till it arrives at your door. However, for picking up at konbini, there’s another step (a little hassle but still convenient).

Receive a Package at Convenience Store

Remember the estimated delivery date? When it’s about time, you get a notification email from Amazon that says it has arrived at the store you picked. This is an example how I would pick my package at a Lawson store.

This is the email. Click the link as shown in the photo below.



Then it will open the following page with a barcode. If you have a tablet or a smartphone, just show this to the cashier. The staff will process it and bring you the package.



If you don’t have a smartphone, take a note of these numbers indicated in the email.


Go to the Lawson store you picked and find the Loppi machine.


A Loppi machine for purchasing any kind of tickets.


Touch the screen and tap the button on the left most.


Enter the first number (first line) you got from the email then go to next (a yellow button for NEXT will show up).


Now enter the second number (second line) in the email and tap the NEXT button (the yellow button).


Check the information being displayed and make sure it’s your info. Click the yellow button to confirm it.


The Loppi will print the bill out. Take this to the cashier. You may be asked to sign and receive the package that you ordered.

Loppi Machine: For tickets and other purchases



It normally takes 2 days to get my package. Since Amazon’s warehouse is in Chiba (as I’ve heard) perhaps it should be faster for customers residing in Kanto area (Tokyo, etc). Just let you know this is just a reference. I hope you find it useful and enjoy your shopping!

See you around!

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3 Responses

  1. TimenType says:

    Is this for residents in Japan only or international delivery too?

  1. 2016年5月19日

    […] Purchasing From Amazon Japan – The Wadas On Duty […]

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