Quick Roast Beef Recipe

Previously I’ve shared a recipe of roast beef by rice cooker. However, I’ve learnt another easy recipe that doesn’t require a rice cooker, so I thought I should share it with you. All the work you do takes less than 20 minutes. Sounds good, right?


Quick Roast Beef Recipe


– a beef block (500 g)
– salt and pepper (a small amount)


1. Preparation

Sprinkle salt and pepper over meat. It should be a bit more than you think it should be. Now rub and spread it by hand.


2. Cook Meat

Heat the fry-pan up, pour some cooking oil, and cook the meat for 2 minutes (EACH SIDE). So if a meat block is cubical, that should take for 12 minutes in total (2 minutes * 6 sides).


3. Cool It Down

Take the meat out from the fry-pan. Now wrap it by double-layered kitchen papers, tin foil, and saran wrap (wrap in order). No need to wipe it before wrapping, some “burned” part will be taken off along with the kitchen paper when you unwrap it later. Keep it in freezer for minimum of 60 minutes. Remaining heat will cook inside and also the cold from freezer helps keeping juice from meat inside it.


Slice and Done!

After 60 minutes. Alright, take the meat out from freezer and slice it up. Tada. Looks goody, doesn’t it? I like meaty-thick slices! Yummer!



Extra: Special Sauce


–  100 ml of water
– 2 tbsps of sugar
– 3 tbsps of mentsuyu
– 2 tbsps of mirin
– pepper
– 2 tbsps of grated garlic
– 1 tbsps of wasabi

Cook the ingredients EXCEPT wasabi for a minute in the same fry-pan you used for cooking beef. Blend umami oil from beef well. Turn the gas stove off and add wasabi.



How do you find it? Roast beef isn’t just for the holidays. Why don’t you try it for a little gorgeous dinner this weekend?

See you around!

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1 Response

  1. ᐃᓄᒃ says:

    hWhere can I buy your cookbook?

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