Rice Balls Specialty Store in Bizen City: Honokura

Yo, it’s Mr. Wada back on duty. I would like to introduce rice balls specialty store in Bizen City.


Rice Balls Specialty Store in Bizen City: Honokura

This store is about a 10-minute walk from JR Kagato Station. It’s a little town where it could be fun to stop by for visiting a local soy sauce maker, bakery, restaurants, and this rice balls specialty store called Honokura.

The store opened in 2019. Looks modern huh? Let’s go investigate.

Rice Balls Specialty Store in Bizen City; Honokura

A bunch of rice balls with different topping are waiting after the entrance. Hm. I didn’t expect this variation.  Let’s see…

Rice Balls Specialty Store in Bizen City; Honokura

It sells local grown veggies as well.

Rice Balls Specialty Store in Bizen City; Honokura

Tada! A giant rice ball in the middle is called like workman nigiri which is supposedly 2.5 times bigger than a regular size. Sounds perfect for a hungry man like me!

Rice Balls Specialty Store in Bizen City; Honokura

If you would like to eat, there is a seat outside. (Right next to a giant tractor!)

Rice Balls Specialty Store in Bizen City; HonokurahWe dad them at home with a soup. Bon appetit!

Rice Balls Specialty Store in Bizen City; Honokura


OK, let’s call it a day.


NameHonokura (穂の蔵)
Access847-4 Kagatomoto, Bizen-shi, Okayama
Business Hours

Closed; Sundays and Mondays



How do you find it? Please stop by when you get around.

See you around!


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