Cafe Mulberry in Bizen City

Hi there. It’s Mr. Wada back on duty. I would like to introduce Cafe Mulberry in Bizen City this time.


Cafe Mulberry in Bizen City

Cafe Mulberry is in Kashirajima island (Bizen City) where Kashirajima marche is held. A 10-minute drive from central Hinase where the popular oyster fest is held every year. Accessible either by car or bike or even on foot by crossing the bridge.

Here we come. The store stands up stairs. Car parking is available right next to it.

Aside from the seats on the second floor, an outdoor seat is available which we would love under the beautiful weather like this!

Tada. Looks awesome doesn’t it? It was good but you should note that it takes quite a bit to be served. We actually waited for like an hour after making an order. Well, it seems to be run by a few workers. Can’t blame. One option is that apparently it accepts orders advance by email, phone-call or fax (information on the website). Since baked goods were all gone already, I strongly do so. We may next time.

OK, let’s call it a day.


NameCafe Mulberry(カフェマルベリー)
Access3400 Hinase, Hinase-cho, Bizen City, Okayama
Business Hours11:00 – 17:30 (lunch 11:30 – 14:00)
Closed on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays
Website (in JP)


How do you find it? Please swing by when you get around.

See you around!

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