Super Easy Rice Cooker Recipe: Chocolate Banana Cake

Kabayan! It’s Mr. Wada on duty.

As I’ve introduced a rice cooker recipe of Kakuni last time, I feel like trying another this time.

Super Easy Rice Cooker Recipe: Kakuni (Japanese braised pork belly)

Let’s try one from this rice cooker recipe book I’ve got.



Let’s Make A Chocolate Banana Cake

In winter I make sweet potato cakes more often but I’m getting sick of it. It’s time to move on. Hehe.

5 Steps to Make Easy Homemade Tea Snacks

Ingredients (for 4 servings)

– 100 grams of pancake mix
– 20 ml of milk or soy milk
– 2 pcs. of eggs
– 4 tbsp. of olive oil
– 1 pc. of banana
– half of chocolate bar


Mix ingredients

Mix pancake mix, eggs, and milk in a rice cooker bowl (this may sound lazy but it’s me. hehe.). Oh, don’t forget to pour olive oil as well.


No additional sugar is needed since the pancake mix already comes plenty of it. Throw the chopped bananas and crushed chocolate pieces in.


Extra topping like raisins would be nice.



Press “Cook/Start” button on the rice cooker.

and wait until it’s done.



Hmmm, smells good. Transfer it onto a plate and let it cool down for a while.



This one’s really easy. Can’t beat pro’s work but it could be nice as instant tea time snack.

See you around!


Bon Appetit!

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4 Responses

  1. ᐃᓄᒃ ᑭᕙᑖ says:

    Excellent cake technology!

  1. 2016年9月25日

    […] Super Easy Rice Cooker Recipe: Chocolate Banana Cake […]

  2. 2016年11月16日

    […] Super Easy Rice Cooker Recipe: Chocolate Banana Cake […]

  3. 2016年11月20日

    […] Super Easy Rice Cooker Recipe: Chocolate Banana Cake […]

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