The Biggest Dagashi Market in Japan

Hi there. It’s Mr. Wada back on duty. I would like to introduce the biggest Dagashi market in Japan this time.


The Biggest Dagashi Market in Japan (Setouchi City, Okayama)

Dagashi (だがし or 駄菓子) is kids snacks like Umaibo which is sold for 10 yen for each piece. Kids used to buy those snacks at dagashi stores in the old days. However, time has changed and there are less and less of those stores and I see very few nowadays which makes this Dagashi market very special. Ichiba means market, by the way.

Let’s go investigate!

It’s about a 10-minute drive from the nearest station (JR Osafune Station). It looks like a warehouse though as you step through the entrance door, tons of snacks are piled up and waiting for you. Many products remind me of my childhood.


There also are regular snacks at low prices, so as you see many grownups in the store.


This section is sort of retro theme. Small snack stores that I mentioned would be like this. Perhaps this classy type would’ve been one or two decades before my generation though…feels very retro.


OK, we shall check out. Counting method is also nostalgic (counting all little snacks by hands!).


Catches of the day. You may recognize the candy on top (left) from Graveyard of the Fireflies by Ghibli.


Many product offer another one for free if I ‘win'(あたり). However, I hardly ever won a thing (はずれ). I did win once and kept it in my wallet for emergency. Heh heh. (I can’t recall if I had a chance to used it). I wouldn’t say Dagashi gives you any health benefits but this place is more like enjoying nostalgia for grownups. Though I am glad that kids seemed to have the same enthusiasm in here as well. It feels kinda like treasure hunt. It’d be always fun to think what to get within our budget for field trips (or after school).


OK, let’s call it a day.



NameDagashi Ichiba (日本一のだがし売り場)
Access1373-5 Osafunechō Higashisue, Setouchi-shi, Okayama
Business HoursMonday to Saturday: 10:00 – 17:00
Sunday: 9:00 – 17:00
Closed: December 30 – January 3



How do you find it? This place would be nice for getting souvenirs especially for foreign friends, don’t you think? Please take a visit while in Okayama (Setouchi City) and share your thoughts.

See you around!

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1 Response

  1. ᐃᓄᒃ says:

    Yes, candy shops were a big part of my childhood too. One in particular. When it shut down, after a remarkably long time, I felt a nostalgic sort of sadness.

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