Top Things to Do in Miyoshi City, Tokushima

Buon giorno! It’s Mr. Wada back on duty. This time I would like to share things to do in Miyoshi City, Tokushima Prefecture.


Top Things to Do in Miyoshi City, Tokushima

Miyoshi City is full of nature which we, the Wadas appreciate the most. One of our favorite places Kazurabashi (introduced by Mrs. Wada) is in Miyoshi City as well. Let’s start with it with more photos!


Kazurabashi Suspension Bridge

Kazurabashi is a suspension bridge made of ivy. It looks scary but durable enough to hold numbers of people at once. To be honest I AM frightened of height but this is quite enjoyable.

Iya Kazurabashi
Access162-2 Nishiiyayamamura Zentoku, Miyoshi-shi, Tokushima-ken
Business Hours

Until sunset

Open everyday

AdmissionAdult: 550 yen
Child: 350 yen


Iya River

Iya river runs right below the Kazurabashi bridge. Even in summer, water is cold enough to cool down all the heat. Why not take off shoes and go soak your feet?


Lunch at Iya Bjin

Iya Bijin is a ryokan (Japanese style hotel) and also serves food at its restaurant with great views of Iya valley! It’s not far from the Kazurabashi bridge. It’d be nice to stop by for slurping some noodles, wouldn’t it?

Iya Bijin
Access9-3 Nishiiyayamamura Zentoku, Miyoshi-shi, Tokushima-ken
Business Hours

8:00 – 17:00

Open everyday

Website (in JP)


Iya Valley and The Statue of the Peeing Boy

This statue stands in the middle of the Iya valley. A little hard to access (though accessible by car or local bus) but surroundings are really nice (a perfect photo spot). Worth a visit while in Iya area.

 Furo no Tani
AccessMatsuo, Ikeda-cho, Miyoshi city, Tokushima prefecture


Boat Ride

Boat ride is another way to enjoy the nature. Some places offer rafting but if you prefer something slow (like we do), this would be it. It goes like for a half hour. No reservation needed.

Oboke Boat Mannaka
Access1520 Nishiu, Yamashirochō, Miyoshi-shi, Tokushima-ken
Business Hours

9:00 – 17:00

Open everyday

FeesAdult: 1,080 yen
Child: 540 yen
Website (in JP)



How do you find it? Nature has got a lot to offer huh? I would like to go back sometime and explore more.

See you around!

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1 Response

  1. ᐃᓄᒃ says:

    I don’t think I could do that bridge.

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