Kinosaki Onsen Town in Hyogo

Hi there. It’s Mr. Wada back on duty. I would like to show you around Kinosaki Onsen (hot springs) this time.


About Kinosaki Onsen Town

Kinosaki town is one of the most popular hot spring resorts in Toyooka city, a Northern part of Hyogo prefecture (including Arima onsen). Hot springs (onsen) have been running since Heian era (794-1185).

JR Kinosaki station

Hot spring water for drinking

Walking around in Yukata (easy kimono) seems fancy.


Seven Drop-in Hot Springs in Kinosaki Onsen Town

There are 7 major drop-in onsens in town. This day pass (available at every onsen place at 1,200 yen) allows you to enter these 7 places which is reasonable since each place costs from 600 yen. To tell the truth, we couldn’t make it to all the 7 places. 2 or 3 would be good enough for a day unless you push yourself…..very hard. Most of them open at 10-ish but some open in the afternoon. Check the latest information on the official website.

The day pass.



The newest. As you see in pictures, it looks like a temple or shrine. It got a very nice views in the rotenburo (outdoor bath). I like staying in warm bath in the cold like that.


Mr. Wada and his friend on the massage chairs.

NameGoshono-yu (御所の湯)
Access448 Yushima, Kinosaki-cho, Toyooka-shi, Hyogo
Business Hours

7:00 – 23:00

Closed: The first and third Thursdays


Adult: 800 yen

Child: 400 yen



Ichino-yu stands in the middle of the town, so you won’t miss it. It looks like the most popular place and it was indeed great. The cave onsen is worth a visit. Not as complicated as the cave onsen in Kurokawa though still neat.

Front (quite wide)

Rest space (the massage chairs are available as well)

NameIchino-yu (一の湯)
Access415-1 Kinosakichō Yushima, Toyooka-shi, Hyogo
Business Hours

7:00 – 23:00

Closed: Wednesdays


Adult: 600 yen

Child: 300 yen



Probably it was named after Kono-tori (storks). It is believed that soaking in this onsen bring you good luck for relationships, well-being and happiness etc. I found it relaxing since it is a little isolated from other places.


Lobby (not so huge)

NameKono-yu (鴻の湯)
610 Kinosakichō Yushima, Toyooka-shi, Hyōgo-ken
Business Hours

7:00 – 23:00

Closed: Tuesdays


Adult: 600 yen

Child: 300 yen



Note that this place opens at 15:00. Later than others. So what makes this place special is rotenburo (out door onsen) of two buckets! A grown up is big enough for each . Interesting but I strongly suggest to avoid rush hour.

Front (at night)

Lobby (quite small)

NameMandara-yu (まんだら湯)
Access565 Yushima Shirosakicho, Toyooka-shi, Hyōgo-ken
Business Hours

15:00 – 23:00

Closed: Wednesdays


Adult: 600 yen

Child: 300 yen



You may or may not notice such a little bath house (cute in other words). It is said that its hot springs blew from under the Willow trees brought from China.


NameYanagi-yu (柳湯)
647 Kinosakichō Yushima, Toyooka-shi, Hyōgo-ken

Business Hours

15:00 – 23:00

Closed: Thursdays


Adult: 600 yen

Child: 300 yen



Walk down from the JR Kinosaki Onsen staion and you will see it at the intersection. Apparently it is the most popular bath house among the locals.


NameJizou-yu (地蔵湯)
Access796 Kinosakichō Yushima, Toyooka-shi, Hyōgo-ken
Business Hours

7:00 – 23:00

Closed: Fridays


Adult: 600 yen

Child: 300 yen



It is located just next to JR Kinosaki Onsen station. It offers free foot bath outside. Unlike its classy looking it is more modern than other places with a herb bath etc. It’d be nice for starters.


Foot Bath

NameSatono-yu (さとの湯)
Access290-36 Kinosakichō Imazu, Toyooka-shi, Hyōgo-ken
Business Hours

13:00 – 21:00

Closed: Mondays


Adult: 800 yen

Child: 400 yen


Again, for the latest information, please check the official website.



How do you find it? It was quite fun. Kinosaki Onsen is foreigner-friendly with tattoos (most of places seemed to accept it). This is probably because there are more foreign tourists in the town lately. Though I saw DIFFERENT types of tattoos as well …(=o=)ooOO

Anyway, see you around!

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1 Response

  1. ᐃᓄᒃ says:

    Glad to see they’ve installed torture devices so that any rogue gopher-human hybrids are taken care of onsite.

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