Go Fishing in Japan: First Lesson (and the First Attempt of 2015)

Hi guys. It’s Mr. Wada on duty. After mentioning what to get first for fishing in my previous post, we are ready to go out to the sea. This is also our first attempt of fishing this year. So much excited!
Go Fishing in Japan : Starter Guide – The Wadas On Duty


When? (Time)

Early morning would be good because fish are more active than during the day. And the tide is also important. When the tide is high, fish come closer to the shore. So ideally when the tide is high in the morning like 6-7AM would be great.

Check the tide schedule here.
Reference <TIDES 4 FISHING 2015>


This really depends. Many anglers like boat fishing. But I get sea-sick easily and prefer easy fishing on the shore or anywhere nearby the land. I rather chill out while waiting for fish to bite. Hehe. If you aren’t sure, go to the nearest seaside and check if any anglers are around. Blogs might help as well.


Good morning!

How To Set up?

OK, we are gonna set the stuff up. Excuse me that I suck on explaining. Hope you will get the point at least.

Grab your fishing rod, attach the fishing reel to it.

Lock it tight

Unlock the reel and put the fishing line through the guides.


Attach the hook. As I mentioned in the previous post, I just use the ready-to-use hooks.

Like this.

And there it goes, hook the worms.


I’d never get used to it…

Let’s Get started!

You are going to throw the hook to the sea. Focus where you aim at.


Maybe over there…..

Hold the fishing line like below, pull up the lever of the fishing reel to unlock the fishing line (still hold the fishing line).


hrow the hook by swinging the fishing rod towards the water (hold on to that fishing rod!)


As you swing it, let go of the fishing line that you are holding.



Got the hook to where you aimed at? (Perhaps you might need some practice.) Now start rolling the reel slowly.


Think how fish are doing down there. Maybe they are wondering what this (hook) is. Tease them and let them bite it!


Mrs. Wada got a bite first! (hmp!) But very little.


And another (hmp hmp!). This is what we call Haze(a goby fish).


And tada! I got one!…But as you see, it’s very small. I better release him.




Grow up and come back to me.


What a nice day!

Time’s up.


Our cool box remained empty. In Japanese we call it BOZU. It’s a term for fishing which means you got none. Some people say this term originated from the word bozu (meaning BALD). So no hair…nothing. Our first attempt turned our as a failure. Yes, we’ve got to revenge another time.


You’ll feel like it when it’s over. No bites, no sign. OK, time to leave. BTW, DO NOT forget to take your garbage home. It’s a basic manner. Once you are there, you are an ANGLER! (Welcome aboard.)

See you around!

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5 Responses

  1. ᐃᓄᒃ ᑭᕙᑖ says:

    You catch a big enough fish to eat? Or enough fish to eat?

  1. 2016年5月19日

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  2. 2016年9月4日

    […] Go Fishing in Japan : Starter Guide – The Wadas On Duty Go Fishing in Japan: First Lesson (and the First Attempt of 2015) – The Wadas On Duty […]

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