Go Fishing in Japan : Starter Guide

Hello people. It’s Mr. Wada back on duty! How are you doing? I suppose we’ve had some fun this rainy season though it’s about to end and summer is just around the corner!
Breathtaking View of Japanese Fireflies – The Wadas On Duty
Ajisai Festival at Kibitsu Shrine, Okayama – The Wadas On Duty

Speaking of summer plans, it’s been a year since our camping in Miyajima.

Affordable Camping in Miyajima

Perhaps you also want something easier you can do during a regular weekend.  OK, here it comes.


Go Fishing in Japan!

I often go fishing in summer (winter’s OK too but the thing is I can’t get up early while it’s dark and so cold!). Grab the fishing tools and hang out! I will share what you need for a start-up. Check the following:


Licence required?

No. In some countries it requires licence for fishing but it isn’t necessary here in Japan (except some places).


(Photo credit:Jason Eppink)

Get Fishing Tools

There are fishing stores anywhere but naturally more stores stand near seaside.


(From wikipedia)

Fishing Rod & Reel

There is stuff for beginners. This one (fishing rod and reel) was about 1,500 yen. Yes, very cheap.


An ordinary beginner’s kit.

Well, there are cheap ones and pricey ones. I can’t really say what’s right. However I’ve found cheap ones crappy. I suggest to get higher class stuff at least 2,000 yen.


See it can’t fold the tip properly anymore!

Hooks and Extras

Most of the times I just use ready-to-use hooks. My usual target is one called Haze (goby in English), so I’d get the one in the photo below. You should search what kind of fish is around in your area and take a look OR ask the staff at the store. They are willing to help you.


100 yen with three hooks!

Some hooks come with weights but mine doesn’t, so I normally keep some of it in my bag.


There are different sizes. For easy fishing, just get little ones like this.

Scissors are also necessary.


It’s like 500 yen at the fishing store but you can buy it at 100 yen stores as well. Not so serious.


There are Gokai, Aomushi worms, Ami (shrimps) or you could use a lure if you don’t like those. It also depends on your target. Most likely I get Aomushi worms which are reasonable and my target like them apparently. At my regular store I just drop by and tell a cashier I want Aomushi for 500 yen for instance.



Note: Bait should be fresh. I suggest you get it on the day you go fishing (or a night before).

The Cool Box

The cool box is an option though, this would help to keep fish fresh.


This one was about 2,000 yen.


Now you are ready for fishing! We will hang out to the sea in the next post. See you around!

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7 Responses

  1. ᐃᓄᒃ ᑭᕙᑖ says:

    There’s good fishing nearby, but I’ve rarely gone myself. I used to catch bullheads (an ugly, inedible fish) w schoolmates in elementary.

  2. rommel says:

    License not required, cool! I’ll be residing in Japan hopefully next year. I’ve been in Okinawa for 6 months, but I never gone fishing. Maybe next year I will (fingers still crossed). That fireflies thing must be a neat experience.

  1. 2016年5月19日

    […] Go Fishing in Japan : Starter Guide – The Wadas On Duty Go Fishing in Japan: First Lesson (and the First Attempt of 2015) – The Wadas On Duty […]

  2. 2016年5月19日

    […] Hi guys. It's Mr. Wada on duty. After mentioning what to get first for fishing in my previous post, we are ready to go out to the sea. This is also our first attempt of fishing this year. So much excited!Go Fishing in Japan : Starter Guide – The Wadas On Duty […]

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