How To Get Free Wi-Fi In Japan

Sup dudes? It’s Mr. Wada back on duty.

If it was your first time in Japan, you would need to search information and make plans. Today the internet seems to be one of the things we need on daily basis (at least for me). You would find Wi-Fi everywhere here though, you also would figure that none of them is actually free! They are most likely being protected by passwords.


Don’t be so down. There’s a way out (I don’t mean breaking the security).


How To Get Free Wi-Fi In Japan?

Lately there has been more free Wi-Fi connections in Japan (it used to be hard to find one though). I’ll show you some easy-to-connect & free Wi-Fi connections. Oh, by the way I use an Android device, just letting you know.

“Japan Connected-free Wi-Fi” App

NTT (Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation) provides free Wi-Fi in many areas including subway stations, airports, malls, and 7-Eleven stores. I’ve found this quite useful. Once installed, it’d be hassle-free. Just open the app, tap the “Connect” button, and that’s it.

How to register

For the first time, you need to install this “Japan Connected-free Wi-Fi” app to your device.


As you are done with installing, open the app.



You can make a new account to log-in or log-in by your Facebook account. I’ll go for Facebook here.



Type your ID and password, it’ll ask you if it’s OK to allow this app to access your profile etc. Unless you feel uncomfortable with it, tap OK.



Tada. Done! Now you are ready to use its service.

How to access the internet

Let’s try it at 7-Eleven.


Make sure the place’s got 7-SPOT.



Open the “Japan Connected-free Wi-Fi” app, and tap “Connect” (above). It’ll soon start searching the nearest Wi-Fi connection provided by NTT.



Succeeded! That’s it. Now you’ve got free Internet for 60 minutes.

Note: It works exactly the same way at other “Japan Connected-free Wi-Fi” areas. Please check the link below if the service’s coverage area includes where you are.

Reference: Japan Connected-free Wi-Fi


Convenience Stores

As I mentioned in the previous entry (5 Great Japanese Convenience Store Services), almost all konbini stores offer free Wi-Fi. It’d be quite convenient (literary) when you are out or while traveling, etc. Why don’t we try at Family Mart?

How to register

Already in the Family Mart premises? OK, turn your device on, and go to Wi-Fi setting. Family Mart Wi-Fi will appear on the list.


Tap it and connect.



Now open a browser. It’ll display a Family Mart web page. Tap an Wi-Fi icon (above).



For the first time, you need to register. Tap the registration button.



It’s the “Terms of Use”. Tap agree and go to the next page.



Type your information and go to the next page.



Tap send.



Registration process is partially done. You are almost there!



Check your email. You’ll get an email from Family Mart. Open it and tap a hyperlink (above) to proceed your registration.



Now it’s done!

How to access the internet


Open a browser and go back to the log-in page again. This time type an ID and a password that you just have made. Then tap log-in.



“Terms of use” again. Tap agree and go to next.



You’ve got it.

Note: Lawson also offers free Wi-Fi but it requires you to install its own app to your device, plus you need a number of a membership card (free though). Hassle. I wouldn’t recommend.


Some cafes offer free Wi-fi. Starbucks is one of the places. Get a drink and make plans for the day!



How to access the internet


Turn your device on, go to Wi-Fi setting. Starbucks Wi-Fi will be displayed on the list. Tap it to connect.



Open a browser. It’ll automatically go to the log-in page above. There are various ways to log-in. By Starbucks, Facebook, Twitter, or Google ID. This time I will use my Google ID. Tap the Google icon located at the bottom.



Type your ID and Password, and tap Sign in.



Done! Now you’ve got free access to the internet (for 60 minutes).

Note: If you wish to log-in by Starbucks ID, you need to register beforehand on the web.


Basically, public Wi-Fi doesn’t guarantee a safe connection. So just be sure you won’t do anything super important like accessing your internet banking etc. However, a positive side is that there seems to be more Free Wi-Fi areas in the near future. Japan is getting ready for more travelers for the Tokyo Olympics in 2020! (too soon?)

Oh, I’m running out of time for free Wi-Fi. See you around!

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4 Responses

  1. ᐃᓄᒃ ᑭᕙᑖ says:

    Quite useful!

  1. 2016年9月26日

    […] How To Get Free Wi-Fi In Japan […]

  2. 2016年11月20日

    […] How To Get Free Wi-Fi In Japan […]

  3. 2017年2月11日

    […] How To Get Free Wi-Fi In Japan […]

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