Roast Duck Udon at Ichimonji (Setouchi City)

Hi there. It’s Mr. Wada back on duty. I would like to introduce Roast Duck Udon at Ichimonji


Roast Duck Udon at Ichimonji (Setouchi City)

This restaurant is about a 5-minute drive from JR Osafune Station. It serves homemade noodles and other food by locally grown ingredients. Duck meat for udon is even from a local farm.

Roast Duck Udon at Ichimonji (Setouchi City)

Specialty noodles are available on menu. Pick a ticket up and present to the counter.

Roast Duck Udon at Ichimonji (Setouchi City)

Aside from specialty food on menu, you could pick up plain noodles at the counter and toppings as well which is more affordable.

Roast Duck Udon at Ichimonji (Setouchi City)

Variety of toppings are available.

Roast Duck Udon at Ichimonji (Setouchi City)

Help yourself for heating noodles up.

Roast Duck Udon at Ichimonji (Setouchi City)

(After payment) Get hot soup for the last (on the left) and now we shall take a seat.

Roast Duck Udon at Ichimonji (Setouchi City)

Regular udon with tempura on the side. Unusual stuff like arugula is something unique here.

Roast Duck Udon at Ichimonji (Setouchi City)

And here comes roast duck udon. It looks a lot meatier than I expected. Yum.

Roast Duck Udon at Ichimonji (Setouchi City)

Let’s call it a day.


NameBizen Fukuoka Ichimonji Udon (備前福岡 一文字うどん)
Access1588-1 Fukuoka, Osafune-cho, Setouchi-shi, Okayama
Business Hours10:00 – 15:00

Closed: Wednesdays, first and third Tuesdays



How do you find it? This is the best way to taste local, isn’t it? please stop by when ya get around.

See you around!

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