DIY in Japan: How to Replace Window Screens

Hi there. It’s Mr. Wada back on duty.

Rainy season has begun in most of cities in Japan as well as Okayama City. You may think it gets cool and nice but the fact is it is still humid and hot. What make me feel down is I see more bugs and cockroaches lately…

Here is how I deal with them normally.

Cleaning Time: Ways to Get Rid of Cockroaches and Bugs

And not exceptionally mosquito start being around this season.

Houses in Japan though, got window screens against them. You know, they can’t come in through this.


We also have ones but I realized that these at our place look quite dirty (got some holes also). Gosh, I should replace them before summer comes. Yes, I will be Mr. DIY today!


How to Replace Window Screens

Tools (for two windows)

Well, there is good stuff at home center but I ain’t into it much (dropping from Mr. DIY title now). I got some instant stuff at a 100-yen store instead (only the screens costed 200 yen each).

– 2 x clipper
– 2 x rubber spline
– roller
– 2 x window screen



Let’s Get Started!

1.Pull the old rubber spline off.



2. Take the old screen down.



3. Clean the window frame by towel etc.



4. Hold the new screen by the clippers.



5. Roll rubber spline over the window screen. Cut the extra screen to fit the frame.



6. Done!


….looks better?



Well, as I said I am not a pro or even an amateur DIY guy. Hope it helps someone in the world (hehe).

See you around!

You may also be interested in these.
Cleaning Time: How to Prevent Pinky Molds in Bathroom
Cleaning Time: Ways to Get Rid of Cockroaches and Bugs
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1 Response

  1. ᐃᓄᒃ ᑭᕙᑖ says:

    Reminds me of silkscreening

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